Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Vexed Nation - Prologue

Before I begin, I would like to reserve the right to be angry! I am not talking neo-nazi, 'blame everyone else for fucking up your bloodline'-type angry. Just a little miffed at your daily injustice type of angry.

First "The meek shall inherit the earth". I am tired of hearing that shit! Look, you're either meek, or you're not fucking meek. There's no becoming meek! Why must the extroverts be punished for garnering the attention? It's really just the same shit; the loud guy may get attention, while the quiet guy is presumptuously endowed with positive qualities he does not necessarily possess. Addition by subtraction!
The less you say, the less bad shit you say, and less bad shit, equals more good shit, right? What?! People please! Every great crime against humanity or killing spree, or bombing of public building, or even pedophilic rape started with a "meek" guy that no one ever suspected. It's time people started looking in the right places! Yes, there are loudmouths who are tyrants and bullies, but at least you know where they are, and you see them coming! It's them quiet mother f@#$%s you need to watch out for!

Shyness is one of those qualities that everyone seems to accept. When people talk about kids, "Oh, he's very shy... She's just shy." Teachers will refer to the shy child as "wise", and "well-behaved". What's so great about being shy? Nothing. It's downright anti-social! Do you know how long ADHD was around before they named it? And what they used to say about those kids? Loud! Disruptive! Mischievous! Lazy!
Lazy? Anyone who knows someone with ADHD knows "Lazy" is not an accurate adjective. "Uninterested"? Shit yeah, but "lazy"?

Every g-damn after school special I ever saw had the same moral. "Be yourself.", "Have the courage to be yourself", "Be proud of yourself."....Sure. Unless "yourself" has too much energy, and annoys some lame-ass adult who used to be "shy". Oh, the meek have inherited the earth indeed! And their mission is to discourage those, that unlike them, have the ability to speak up. To walk up to a member of the opposite sex and say "Hi.". To be counted. To be noticed. To be seen.

It is time for the loud, the outspoken, and the hyperactive to take their place, and tell the world, "Yeah, I'm a loud-ass, can't sit still, hyper-active, super-creative, quick-witted, forgot-what-I-was-saying, A.D.D. Mother fucker!! And I'm proud!" More to come.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. HooRAH! so true. Bravo! Way to call out a cliche.
    p.s. I love your writing style. Not just a pointless rant but a valid argument, with FEELING!

  3. It is true that people tend to assume still rivers run deep,when in fact there's often just nothing there. At the end of the day, you need to be yourself and it sounds like you are good at that. A lot of people take a lifetime to work out how much better things would be if they didn't pretend all the time. That said, there is also an arguement for understatment and the beauty of self-restrait. I always I admire it! Great posting. Btw, thanks for your kind comments on my blog, they are appreciated more than you know. Kindest wishes x

  4. ok I love the way you write but the language whoa......
